Recyklácia a likvidácia

Poskytujeme moderné riešenia pre spracovanie a recykláciu odpadu s ohľadom na životné prostredie.

Three colorful waste bins are placed in front of a vibrant garden filled with pink and orange flowering shrubs. The bins have different labels indicating their use for different waste types. The background is lush with greenery and bright flowers, creating a lively contrast.
Three colorful waste bins are placed in front of a vibrant garden filled with pink and orange flowering shrubs. The bins have different labels indicating their use for different waste types. The background is lush with greenery and bright flowers, creating a lively contrast.
Spracovanie odpadu

Zabezpečujeme efektívne spracovanie rôznych druhov odpadu pre udržateľný rozvoj.

Recyklácia materiálov

Maximalizujeme zhodnocovanie plastov, kovov, skla a papiera pre obehové hospodárstvo.

Environmentálne normy

Naša činnosť je v súlade s najvyššími environmentálnymi normami a reguláciami.

Recyklácia odpadu

Inovatívne technológie pre efektívnu recykláciu a likvidáciu odpadu.

A wooden structure with a weathered appearance features a handmade sign promoting recycling. The sign, affixed to the wooden wall, contains text urging readers to follow instructions for effective recycling. Another smaller sign is visible with a recycling symbol above the larger sign. The setting gives an impression of simplicity and a focus on eco-friendly practices.
A wooden structure with a weathered appearance features a handmade sign promoting recycling. The sign, affixed to the wooden wall, contains text urging readers to follow instructions for effective recycling. Another smaller sign is visible with a recycling symbol above the larger sign. The setting gives an impression of simplicity and a focus on eco-friendly practices.
Odpady a recyklácia

Znižovanie odpadu a podpora obehového hospodárstva.

A large collection of trash and recycling items is piled up, consisting of cardboard boxes, plastic containers, and various packaging. The waste is overflowing from two large orange bins with pink signs above them, indicating different types of waste.
A large collection of trash and recycling items is piled up, consisting of cardboard boxes, plastic containers, and various packaging. The waste is overflowing from two large orange bins with pink signs above them, indicating different types of waste.
Zelené iniciatívy

Spolupráca s komunitami pre udržateľný rozvoj a ochranu.

A large pile of household waste, primarily consisting of plastic bags filled with various types of cartons and bottles. The waste is organized in transparent bags with visible branding and labels.
A large pile of household waste, primarily consisting of plastic bags filled with various types of cartons and bottles. The waste is organized in transparent bags with visible branding and labels.
Two black waste bins labeled 'Refuse' and 'Recycle' are positioned side by side on a sidewalk. They are placed against a high brick wall in an urban setting. The path is lined with bare trees and lampposts, and a modern building is visible in the background.
Two black waste bins labeled 'Refuse' and 'Recycle' are positioned side by side on a sidewalk. They are placed against a high brick wall in an urban setting. The path is lined with bare trees and lampposts, and a modern building is visible in the background.
Technológie spracovania

Pokročilé procesy pre efektívne zhodnocovanie recyklovateľných materiálov.

Naša misia

Maximalizácia recyklácie a znižovanie negatívneho vplyvu na životné prostredie.

Yutani Recycling mi pomohla efektívne recyklovať odpad a znížiť jeho dopad na životné prostredie.

Ján Novák

A large gray trash bin is prominently placed on a paved area with a backdrop of greenery and some flowering plants. The bin has a recycling symbol on it, accompanied by the word 'Krisbow'. The ground is made of interlocking stone tiles.
A large gray trash bin is prominently placed on a paved area with a backdrop of greenery and some flowering plants. The bin has a recycling symbol on it, accompanied by the word 'Krisbow'. The ground is made of interlocking stone tiles.
A large container is filled with various types of cans and bottles, mostly metal, which appear to be recyclable waste. It is placed on the back of a truck, positioned on a grey concrete surface.
A large container is filled with various types of cans and bottles, mostly metal, which appear to be recyclable waste. It is placed on the back of a truck, positioned on a grey concrete surface.
